How to improve gut health

How to improve gut health in our children, maybe a question that causes nightmares for all parents. Gut health is something that can be tricky to tackle.

Ensuring the health of your child involves a holistic approach, with a key focus on their gut health. In this exploration, we delve into the benefits of a healthy gut for children, recognizing signs and causes of digestive discomfort, and identifying positive lifestyle habits.

Through a series of questions and answers, we'll navigate how a healthy gut positively influences a child's growth, development, and overall well-being. Join us in understanding how to improve gut health and learning ways to foster a healthier future for your child.

How to improve gut health

1. What are the key benefits of a healthy gut for children?1

A. Improved immune function
B. Enhanced nutrient absorption
C. Healthy brain development

Correct Answer: A, B, C

While knowing how to improve gut health is important, knowing why you need to improve your children’s gut health is equally crucial.

  • A healthy gut contributes to a robust immune system.

  • It facilitates optimal nutrient absorption, supporting overall growth and development.

  • The gut-brain connection suggests that a healthy gut may positively influence brain function and development.


2. What are the common digestive discomforts in children?2

A. Constipation
B. Abdominal pain
C. Regular bowel movements

Correct Answer: A, B

  • Constipation is a common sign of digestive discomfort, characterized by infrequent or difficult bowel movements.

  • Abdominal pain is another common issue and it can be caused by many different factors

  • Most of the time, children's digestive issues like abdominal pain and constipation can be managed by changing their lifestyle and their diet.

How to improve gut health

3. What are the causes of digestive discomfort?

A. Lack of physical activity
B. Excessive fibre intake
C. Stress and anxiety

Correct Answer: A, B, C

  • Lack of physical activity can slow down digestion.3

  • While fibre is necessary for healthy digestion, excessive fibre intake may lead to bloating and gas.4

  • Stress and anxiety can affect the digestive system, causing discomfort.5


4. How to improve gut health? Lifestyle habit that positively influences children's gut health

A. Sedentary behaviour
B. Regular physical activity
C. Irregular sleep patterns

Correct Answer: B

  • Regular physical activity promotes a healthy digestive system by supporting bowel regularity and overall well-being3.

  • Sedentary behaviour and irregular sleep patterns may negatively impact gut health.

  • Study shows that sleep does influence the gut microbiota in children6.


5. How to improve gut health - Which diet can contribute to a healthier gut in children7?

A. High sugar intake
B. Probiotic-rich foods
C. Prebiotics
D. Low-fiber diet

Correct Answer: B,C

  • Probiotic-rich foods, such as yoghurt and kefir, contribute to a healthier gut by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

  • Prebiotics are the food for probiotics. Examples of prebiotics are whole grains, bananas and berries.

  • High sugar intake and a low-fibre diet may negatively impact gut health.


6. How to improve gut health - Which foods support a healthy gut7?

A. Processed foods
B. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables
C. Sugary snacks

Correct Answer: B

  • Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables support gut health by providing essential nutrients and promoting regular bowel movements.

  • Processed foods and sugary snacks may hurt gut health.


7. Explain how a healthy digestive system affects overall health and learning7.

A. A healthy gut supports nutrient absorption for growth and development
B. It helps maintain good body functions and develop good immunity
C. Digestive health is unrelated to overall health and learning

Correct Answer: A, B

  • A healthy gut facilitates nutrient absorption, supporting overall growth and development.

  • Good digestion and nutrient absorption are essential not only for healthy growth and development but also for proper bodily functions. Don’t be surprised, the gut houses a significant portion of the immune system. So, it is critical to ensure that your child's gut health is optimal for his or her general health.

How to improve gut health

Are you raising a healthy child? The answer may lie in their gut health. How to improve gut health is a crucial aspect of ensuring your child's overall well-being.

Ensuring the well-being of your child involves understanding the key benefits of a healthy gut, recognizing signs and causes of digestive discomfort, and promoting positive lifestyle habits.

A healthy gut not only contributes to improved immune function, enhanced nutrient absorption, and healthy brain development but also supports overall growth and development8.

Recognizing signs such as constipation and addressing causes like lack of physical activity, excessive fibre intake, and stress is crucial.

Encouraging lifestyle habits like regular physical activity contributes positively to gut health3. Additionally, incorporating probiotic-rich foods and fibre-rich fruits and vegetables into your child's diet can contribute to a healthier gut4.

Remember, a healthy gut not only impacts physical well-being but also influences body function and immunity8. Therefore, in raising a healthy child, prioritising and improving gut health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being.

Still thinking about how to improve gut health in your children?

Enfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease stands out as an excellent choice for parents seeking a gentle yet nutritious diet for their children. Scientifically formulated with partially hydrolysed proteins (PHP), this unique formula supports easy digestion, making it gentle on your child's tummy.

What sets Enfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease apart is its comprehensive approach, featuring MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) and expert-recommended DHA level*. This combination provides a 5-year advantage, contributing to higher IQ and EQ development.

By choosing Enfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease, parents can be confident in providing their children with a nutritious milk formula that contains nutrients to not only support digestive comfort but also nurture cognitive and emotional well-being, setting the foundation for a healthier and brighter future.


Join our Enfamama A+ Club for pregnancy and parenting tips, FREE samples and more! Click here to join.


  1. Subramani, A. (2023, September 1). The importance of good gut health in children. Only About Children,, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  2. 4 of the most common “Tummy troubles” kids have. New Jersey’s Top-Ranked Hospital Network. (n.d.),, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  3. Radzi, D. D. M., Ling, M. E., Prof Dr Raja Affendi Raja Ali, & Ismail, D. D. Z. (2019, January 20). Exercise for better digestive health. Positive Parenting,, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  4. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, November 4). How to add more fiber to your diet. Mayo Clinic,, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  5. Understanding the link between stress and stomach aches in children. Rady Childrens HospitalSan Diego. (n.d.),, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  6. Wang, Y., Drogos, L., Vaghef-Mehrabani, E., Reimer, R. A., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., & Giesbrecht, G. F. (2022). Sleep and the gut microbiota in preschool-aged children. Sleep, 45(6),, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  7. Default - Stanford Medicine Children’s health. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health - Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. (n.d.),, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

  8. Dr Sharifah Intan Zainun Sharif Ishak, Nutritionist and Member of Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM), Assoc Prof Dr Cheah Whye Lian, Shafie, D. S. R., Tung, D. S., & Yap, D. R. (2021, December 21). Why good digestion and nutrient absorption are important for kids?. Positive Parenting,, Accessed on 2 Feb 2024

* FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2-4 years old.